Precast box culvert has long been recognized as a way to speed up the construction of DOT, civil, and commercial projects. Recently, this advantage has been enhanced with the introduction of the Complete Precast Box Culvert System by Permatile Concrete Products Company.
How is a box culvert constructed?
Permatile manufactures precast box culvert in single or monolithic multiple cell sections. With the advent of new technology, double and triple box culverts can now be manufactured in one monolithic unit with laying lengths up to eight feet, thereby eliminating the cost and time-intensive installation of multiple lines of single-cell boxes. Permatile’s precast box culverts may also be skewed in most cases to meet the project requirements.
Bristol Motorsports Tunnel
In addition to precast barrel sections, this system also provides precast components for the construction of scour walls, wing walls, and headwalls allowing complete culvert systems to be built in the controlled environment of our factory, transported to the job site, and installed on prepared bedding in a fraction of the time required for conventional cast-in-place construction.
Designs meet or exceed the following:
ATSM C-789, C-850
AASHTO M-259, M-273
AREA Cooper E-80
DOT Specifications
HS20, HS25, HL-93 and Alt. Military Live Loads
Have a project that requires precast box culverts? Request more information on any of our products.
The HY-SPAN Bridge SystemTM utilizes a three-sided, flat-decked, rectilinear precast concrete bridge unit placed segmentally onto a concrete foundation. The segmental units are connected together by means of mechanical lateral ties such as post-tensioning rods or strands and by a grouted keyway preformed into the foundation and at the mating surfaces between adjacent units. The HY-SPAN system offers clear span units from six feet to fifty feet coupled with vertical clearances from two feet to fourteen feet so that a wide range of opening configurations can be achieved. HY-SPAN units may be cast with a skew angle up to 45 degrees or in radial and transitional shapes. The foundation, wing walls and guardrail may also be precast or cast-in-place depending on site conditions.
A typical, totally precast installation may be made in less than one day!
Typical Applications Include:
Conventional concrete bridge construction and replacement
Multiple cell installations for longer spans
Underground stormwater detention structures
The HY-SPAN System meets or exceeds the following:
Permatile manufactures precast concrete slabs for use in replacement of bridge superstructure. The ability to use your existing bridge abutment walls allows for quick removal of old bridge deck and installation of new slab deck in less than one day.
6’ to 46’ Clear Span Options (out to out) with multiple span options
Skews Up To 45 Degrees
Post Tensioning On All Structures
Thrie-Beam Posts and Horizontal Railing Including Transitions Pieces
BR-27-C and CPSR Railing Systems available
Waterproofing Available
Interested in more information on our precast bridges? See this project BOXLEY MATERIALS BRIDGE to learn more about precast bridges.
If you want more information regarding precast concrete bridges, you can request information on our contact page and select the products you are interested in.
Economical, durable, and permanent describes Permatile’s precast concrete pipe that is manufactured to meet or exceed the ASTM specifications for:
C-14 None reinforced storm sewer pipe from 6” through 24” diameter
C-444 Porous concrete pipe for underdrain
C-76 Reinforced pipe for sanitary or storm systems from 12” through 144” diameter
C-76, C443 O-Ring Joint reinforced pipe
C-507 Elliptical pipe
Permatile takes great pride in the quality and performance of our concrete pipe. We are a Class III, IV, and V concrete pipe manufacturer and provide special design services for deep fill or high loading conditions. Permatile can skew or cut the pipe to order. Soil-tight or watertight joint seals are designed to exceed applicable ASTM and ASSHTO standards for Bell and Spigot, O-Ring, and Straight Wall designs. Each section of our O-ring sanitary and storm sewer pipe is individually vacuum- tested and the joint acrylic coated for ease of assembly.
Flared end sections, wing walls, and straight walls along with a full complement of tees, wyes, and bends in varying sizes are available along with other custom-designed fittings.
The concrete pipe continues to be the choice of engineers and owners when durability, structural integrity, 100-year design life, constant hydraulic efficiency, and low maintenance are considered. Concrete pipe won’t rust, buckle, split, deflect, deteriorate, burn, pollute, float, or lose its hydraulic capacity.
Click here to see Atlanta Action News 2 show the replacement of failed metal drainage products with reliable concrete pipe.
If you would like more information on our products, visit our contact page and fill out the form to request more information.
Permatile offers solutions to your storm structure system needs.
From standard concrete storm drain pipe structures to the most complex custom designs.
Permatile manufactures a variety of precast concrete drainage structures to meet the needs of the many engineers, municipalities, and state DOT’s that we serve on a regular basis.
Storm structures include:
Catch Basins
Curb Inlets
Area Drains
Drop Inlets
Junction Boxes
Energy Dissipators
Spring Boxes
End Treatments
Knock Out Boxes
The storm drain pipe can be manufactured with watertight gasketed “pipe to structure” connections. Permatile provides castings, hatches, steps, and other fittings to suit your contract needs.
Quality specifications for storm drain pipe
Permatile manufactures wet and dry wells per ASTM C-47 and project specifications. Custom sizes and shapes are available to fit your specific requirements.
…plus we always offer custom manufacturing on demand.
Cylindrical structures are manufactured per A.S.T.M C-478 and Project specifications
Multi-sided structures are manufactured per A.S.T.M. C-913 and Project specifications
Trench drains, oil and water separators, grease traps, electric manholes, and utility vaults along with storage and multi-use vaults come in a wide variety of standard and custom sizes and shapes and can be manufactured to project specifications.
Trench drains, oil and water separators, grease traps, electric manholes, and utility vaults along with storage and multi-use vaults come in a wide variety of standard and custom sizes and shapes and can be manufactured to project specifications.
A basic utility vault is an underground room that provides access to subterranean public utility equipment.
The vault allows access to equipment like valves for water or natural gas pipes, or switchgear for electrical or telecommunications equipment.
This equipment is important to protect!
There are other types of vaults manufactured by Permatile.
We offer a variety of Utility Vaults and Utility Structures, including:
Meter Vaults / Various Types
Valve Vaults / Various Types
Electric Manholes and Vaults
Communication Manholes and Vaults
We also offer custom manufacturing on-demand to meet your specific needs.
Concrete traffic barriers are essential for allowing construction sites to operate near busy roadways in a safe manner. Permatile Concrete Products Company offers a variety of traffic barriers to meet your construction needs.
Permatile Concrete Products Company precast, pin and loop connecter, concrete traffic barriers meet or exceed applicable specifications and are approved for use on State and Federal highway projects. Special designs are also always available.
Whether you need strong, attractive traffic barriers that seamlessly integrate with existing landscaping or the strength and reliability of traditional traffic control barriers, Permatile can provide strong, effective security to meet your needs.
The advantages of using precast traffic barriers include quick availability and the obvious cost savings.
Why Use Traffic Barriers?
Safety is the number one reason to use concrete traffic barriers.
Traffic barriers reduce the risk of a vehicle crossing into the construction area and harming a worker.
Another reason to use our precast traffic barriers is to direct traffic in a specific direction. It is easy for drivers to see where they need to go with solid traffic barriers.
Traffic barriers are not only used in road construction. They are also valuable for blocking off areas around buildings, landmarks, airports, etc.
How long are Permatile traffic barriers?
F-type Barrier
MB-7D PC Traffic Barrier Service Concrete in 10’ and 20’ lengths
MB-9A PC Precast Concrete Median Barrier Terminal Section in 12’ lengths
MB-10A Traffic Barrier Service Concrete Parapet, Single Face in 10’ and 20’ lengths
MB-11A Traffic Barrier Service Concrete Parapet Double Face in 10’ and 20’ lengths
WVDOH Traffic Barrier in 12’ lengths
Interested in traffic barriers? We also stock barrier lifting devices! Contact us today to get more information.
We stock for immediate shipment…”F” Style barrier in 20′ lengths, (10′ lengths available for turns) with Pin and Eye Connectors.
Permatile manufactures a variety of sanitary structures so you have the best water management solutions.
The sanitary structures manufactured by Permatile include:
Wet Wells
Grease Traps
Grit Tanks
Septic Tanks
Pump Tanks
Leachate Tanks
Dosing Tanks
…plus we have custom manufacturing on-demand for those unique requests.
Precast manholes are used in sanitary and storm drain systems for junctions and access. All manholes and vertical structures can be designed for highway, railroad, or aircraft loading. Special designs are available to meet additional loading requirements.
Permatile manufactures standard sanitary mahole structures in 48″; however, we also build in 60″, 72″, 84″, 96″, 108″, 120″, and 144″.
To facilitate and minimize site construction, preformed butyl resin sealant for fast, watertight assembly is standard with our manholes. Monolithic bottoms, preformed inverts, steps, enclosed lifting inserts, and a variety of flexible manhole-to-pipe couplings provide a quick, economical, high-quality installation. Interior or exterior coatings or linings are available for corrosive environments.
We offer many manhole structures
We build standard manhole structures, drop manholes, leachate manholes, and custom manholes.
Pipe to manhole connectors can be provided to accommodate pipe sizes from 1 1/2″ up. We also furnish castings for most requirements.
Our standard 48″ sanitary manhole sections are vacuum tested at our plant prior to shipment to ensure performance on the job. In all applications, our warranty applies when structures are tested according to ASTM C1244, Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test. This procedure requires testing before any backfilling occurs.
Quality to meet specifications
Our precast manholes meet or exceed ASTM 478 and applicable AASHTO specifications. Gaskets for pipe meet ASTM specifications C-443 or C-361.
Cable Concrete is the premier precast articulating concrete block mat system. It consists of pyramidal-shaped concrete blocks interwoven with stainless steel cable, underlaid with a durable geotextile fabric. These characteristics allow for unsurpassed flexibility and ease of installation. Add stainless steel aircraft cable running both lengthwise and widthwise, offering loops on all sides for clamping to adjacent mats, and a durable concrete erosion control system is created that can protect any size or shape area. Cable Concrete provides the Owner with a cost-effective solution that allows water permeability, vegetation, contour flexibility, subsoil confinement, and long term control of erosion.
The plant manufactured in needed mat configuration and delivered to the job site for fast and economical installation.
4000 psi minimum concrete.
Air entrained concrete for durability and freeze-thaw fracture resistance.
Type 302 stainless steel cable.
Cables looped on all mat edges to provide for mat to mat connection and optional anchoring.
Geotextile fabric attached to the mat at the plant.
20% to 40% open area to provide water permeability and vegetational growth.
Pyramidal block shape allows for articulation ranging from 20′ to 60′, depending upon block size.
Complete engineering analysis, with flume testing, has been conducted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Cable Concrete is manufactured to exacting specifications, which exceed both federal and state D.O.T. requirements.
Before Planting
After Planting
Stability: Hydraulic conditions and flow velocities determine the block size and layout design needed to stabilize the erosive forces. The Cable Concrete mats, with the interwoven cable and mat to mat clamping, become one homogeneous control system. Cables are precast through each block, assuring both lateral and vertical stability.
Flexibility: The pyramidal shape of the blocks provides for large angular variability. This flexibility allows the system to adapt to abrupt changes in grade contours.
Permeability: The open area of the mats allows for sufficient transfer of water between the subgrade and the system surface. The attached geotextile fabric allows for the relief of hydrostatic pressure without permitting the migration of subgrade fines.
Vegetation: Native and exotic grasses, broadleaf plants, and shrubs will grow in the open area of the mat if desired. Its smooth surface allows for easy access by pedestrians and vehicular traffic and affords easy maintenance of vegetation. Plants’ root systems actually enhance the stability of the system over the years. Because the cables are precast into the system, blocks can be removed for larger plantings without compromising the integrity of the system.
Reusable: The cables of the mat allow for use as a temporary concrete erosion control material, for construction traffic or emergency situations. The mats can then be lifted for more permanent placement elsewhere or put into storage for the next job site.
The Cable Concrete erosion control system offers quick installation by the Contractor or Owner. Mats are delivered to the job site by either flatbed or boom truck. When possible, the 4 foot by 16-foot mats is delivered for placement by installer directly from truck to prepared ground, minimizing handling.
The mats are lifted and positioned with a lift bar supplied by the manufacturer. With the geotextile fabric already attached, the mats are normally placed in sequence from the downstream end of the job to the upstream end. This shingling of the fabric eliminates the potential for undermining of the completed system.
Anchoring of the completed system may be advisable, due to steep slopes or high water velocities. This anchoring is usually done at the upstream edges and in areas where excessive turbulence may occur. While all engineering data used to design a project is based on unanchored mats, anchoring offers an additional margin of safety and is often recommended.
Once placed, clamped, and anchored, the Cable Concrete erosion control system can receive a variety of surface treatments. Washed rock can be dropped between the blocks for a clean, unvegetated look. Black dirt can be spread between the blocks and the area seeded for a fully vegetated, easily mowed surface. Or it can be left unfinished, allowing sediment and natural growth to determine final appearance.
Lakeshore Protection.
Riverbank Protection.
Landfill Drainage Systems.
Stormwater Pipe and Box Culvert Outlets.
Boat Ramps / Access Roads / Fire Lanes / Low Water Crossings
Channel Lining.
Dike and Dam Overflow Protection.
Bridge Pier and Abutment Scour Protection.
Temporary and Emergency Erosion Control.
Cost-effective solution to severe erosion needs.
Precast mats with preattached geotextile speed installation and quality of the finished project.
Easily maintained when vegetated or rock-filled.
Highly resistant to ice damage and the freeze-thaw cycle.
It allows safe pedestrian access.
Flexible mats can conform to existing ground contours, minimizing site preparation.
Mats can be removed and reused as future site use or hydrologic data changes.
Local precaster manufactures Cable Concrete to exacting specifications, that exceed both federal and state D.O.T. material requirements and assures a quality product.
Interested in learning more about our concrete erosion control systems? Visit our contact page to request more information about our products.
Utilizing HYSPAN™ precast concrete tunnels rigid frame sections with a unique joint design, the single-lane road under U.S. 460 was reconstructed into a two-lane road after the metal plate arch failed.
Permatile teams engineered, precast, and transported the 114 rigid frame sections to the project site for installation by the contractor. A second single-lane tunnel was built under the four-lane U.S. 460 simultaneously, to replace a failing metal plate arch.
The project started in mid-summer 1994. The concrete tunnels were completed in late August.
Local highways and a pedestrian walkway occupy the HY-SPAN SUPERBOXES. Both structures have 17-foot rises, average lengths of 134 feet, and respective spans of 30 feet and 24 feet.
There are some definite advantages to using HY-SPAN SUPERBOXES for this type of concrete tunnel project.
Advantages of the HY-SPAN SUPERBOXES include:
The speed of installation helps the project get completed faster.
The ability to spread the load of the structure over a substantial area.
The HY-SPAN SUPERBOXES allow low strength soil to be built on.
The Superbox design was chosen because of the questionable foundation conditions under the roadway and the superior bearing capability of the Superbox.
60 days from start to finishHere, Precast Tunnel sections frame the failed metal arch