Precast box culverts have long been recognized as a way to speed up the construction of DOT, civil, and commercial projects. This advantage has been enhanced with the introduction of the Complete Precast Box Culvert System by Permatile. Our system includes the precast box sections, scourwalls, wingwalls, and headwalls. Permatile manufactures precast box culverts in single or monolithic multiple cell sections. Permatile’s precast box culverts may be skewed in most cases to meet the project requirements. Designs meet or exceed the following: ATSM C-1433, C-1577 AASHTO M-259, M-273 AREA Cooper E-80 DOT specifications including LRFD HS20, HS25, HL-93 and Alt. Military Live Loads Utilizing our box culvert, Hy-Span or special design systems, Permatile is capable of providing a wide range of tunnel options for your access and mobility needs. Pedestrian tunnels Reclaim tunnels Steam tunnels Wildlife tunnels PRECAST FOUNDATION / COMMERCIAL PANELS / SPECIAL DESIGN CABLE CONCRETE EVERGREEN WALL SYSTEM STORAGE & MULTI-USE VAULTS / WELLS / TRAFFIC BARRIERS BOX CULVERTS / TUNNELS / HY-SPAN BRIDGE / SUPERBOX